Independent videoart project
HD-Video 2x10min, 2012, concept, photography, animation, editing
The LightDisplace series of video experiments seeks unusual ways of looking at artificial every day urban light. The camera becomes a microscope, a “light sensor” to collect the light sources data. These data are then used for different ways of vizualisation.
In LightDisplace#1 the “light data” are interpreted and transposed into sound. The light becomes audible.
LightDisplace #2 uses real shot videofootage of urban artificial lightsources as a visualization database. Using displacement mapping, the video sequences generate and animate virtual 3d „light spaces“. The sounddesign interprets these spaces into believable audiovisual worlds. Light is shown as the connecting link between the real and the virtual.
Credits: Johannes Kraas (music, sound-design)
Recognitions: official selection Videofest Bochum 2012